I Closed a Cock Fighting Business
A very wealthy man was a very generous man who loved to cultivate merits. He had been a fund-raiser for a temple for 10 years and had built so many buildings for Buddhism. However, his life changed when he turned 60 years old when suddenly he wanted to start a cock fighting business, which he ran for 20 years. Until he was 86, he had intestinal cancer and passed away. What caused him to run this business? Where did he go after he passed away? DMC has the answers.
Searching within for peace to end war
Sty in The Eye
Her father does not believe in hell and heaven but he donates for the Kathina merit and robe offerings at various temples. He still drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes. Will the merit that he did occasionally made in his present life close the path to hell for him? What kamma caused her to have a sty in her eye every year and develop eye infections frequently? DMC has the answers.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Looking After One's Extended Family (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Seventeen :- Looking After One's Extended Family.
Explanation about the Pali Cannon (Tipitaka) Project
Dhammakaya Temple would like to explain about the Pali-Cannon Project.